Support your alumni association by donating to the following funds:
There are many options for individual, class and family donations to honour alumni members and/or special occasions. Please note: If individuals contributing to Class donations require individual charitable tax receipts please ensure that individual cheques are submitted.
Support for the Association’s General Fund (day to day activities) and the Jubilee Lecture Fund is most appreciated. The Archives/Museum Collection Endowment Fund which provides annual grants for archival projects and eventual support in perpetuity for the archives/museum is also appreciative of donations, either through planned giving or individual donations. Details are below:
The General Fund uses monies for Association work – the website, meetings, the newsletter, to keep in touch with the chapters and to plan ahead for the homecoming. Annual memberships are few and not regularly renewed. Most classes have life membership due to meeting their Jubilee Year (no fees).
To make a donation to the General Fund please write a cheque to the:
Nurses Alumni Association of the WGH/HSC, (Note the donation is for the general fund) and send it to the:
Treasurer, Nurses Alumni Assoc. WGH/HSC NA 138- 700 McDermot Avenue, Wpg., MB R3E 0T2 ( perhaps renew your annual membership at the same time). You will receive a receipt and our thanks.
The Jubilee Memorial Fund was established so alumni members and others could honour alumni members and/or celebrate special class event and reunions. It is a registered charitable fund with Canada Revenue. It supports both the annual Jubilee Memorial Lecture at the Homecoming and the HSC Archives/Museum. Monies not required for the Lecture are transferred to the Archives/Museum Collection Endowment Fund managed by the HSC Foundation. Between 2010 and 2016 the Association transferred $11,050.00 to the Archives / Museum Endowed Fund.
To make a donation to the Jubilee Memorial Fund write a cheque to: The Jubilee Memorial Fund and send to the Jubilee Memorial Fund, Nurses Alumni Assoc. WGH/HSC, NA 138-700 McDermot Ave, WPG., MB R3E 0T2. You will receive a Revenue Canada Charitable receipt; plus your donation and “In Memory of” will be recognized in the Jubilee Memorial book in the Archives/Museum. An acknowledgment letter will be sent to your deceased classmate’s family if you include the family’s name and address.
The Archives/Museum Collection Endowment Fund is now generating annual grant monies for the Archives/Museum. The Fund needs continued growth so that it will be able to sustain the archives/museum in perpetuity.
Should you wish to support the Archives/Museum Endowed Fund do make your cheque out to the HSC Foundation and note on it:
“ For Archives/Museum Endowed Fund”.
Send directly to:
HSC Foundation,
PW 112-700 William Ave.
Winnepeg, Manitoba R3E 0Z3
You will receive a charitable receipt from the HSCF and our thanks.
Copyright © 2025 The Nurses' Alumni Association of the Winnipeg General Hospital & Health Sciences Centre - All Rights Reserved.